All We Can and Y Care International
in partnership together

In September 2021, All We Can and Y Care International began a formal partnership – combining efforts to tackle poverty, inequality and injustice in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities.

September 8 2021

All We Can and Y Care International: Working together to transform lives.

Covid-19 has thrown into sharp focus the many injustices which shape our world today. Vaccine inequality, gender injustice and youth unemployment have all risen sharply as a result of the pandemic – and so there has never been a better time for organisations to come together to tackle these challenges.

That is why, from 1 September 2021, All We Can began a formal partnership with Y Care International – the relief and development agency of the YMCAs in England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Together, All We Can and Y Care International will combine efforts to tackle poverty, inequality and injustice in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities.

United by our commitment to working with talented change-makers rooted in local communities, our shared Christian faith, and our drive to fearlessly challenge poverty and injustice, the union of All We Can and Y Care International will enable millions of people of all faiths and none across the globe to see their potential fulfilled. Our shared values, and relational, collaborative way of working with international partners will ensure this new arrangement enables both charities to continue transforming lives.

Y Care International will remain a separate charitable body, but all its services will be fulfilled by All We Can. Its staff will join All We Can’s small and friendly team, and together, they will work towards the missions and operations of both charities. Driven by the principles of All We Can’s partnership approach, which are shared by Y Care International, and recognises the unique strengths of each organisation, All We Can and Y Care International will both maintain their individual identities– but one joint staff team will deliver the work.

Through this new way of working, both charities will be able to magnify efforts to challenge poverty and injustice around the world, by working in partnership and championing locally-led solutions.

Contact details:

Phone:  (020) 7467 5132

For media enquiries, please contact All We Can's Communications and PR Manager, Aimee Nott, at

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All We Can is the operating name of The Methodist Relief and Development Fund,
a charity registered in England and Wales, number 291691
Y Care International is a charity registered in England and Wales
Reg. No. 1109789, Company Reg. No. 3997006
All We Can, 25 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5JR, UK
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